Tell us about yourself. Who do you work for? What is your job title and role? Where do you live? Tell us about your family.
I am the Deputy Insurance Commissioner of Market Regulation at the Pennsylvania Insurance Department. In my role, I support the Department’s initiatives to keep the state’s insurance market competitive while focusing on helping Pennsylvanians learn and understand their rights and responsibilities. The Office of Market Regulation is comprised of four bureaus each with a specific focus to ensure the safety of Pennsylvania policy holders. Those bureaus are the Bureau of Public Engagement, Bureau of Consumer Services, the Bureau of Market Actions and the Bureau of Licensing and Enforcement. I live in Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania. My wife, Jen, is a physical therapist and my two children, Rachel and Ryan, are currently in college. Rachel attends Ursinus College in Collegeville, PA and Ryan attends the University of Pittsburgh in Pittsburgh, PA.
Tell us about your involvement with IRES. How long have you been an IRES Member? What made you decide to join? What roles at IRES have you held? Have you served on any committees? Have you held any leadership roles? If so, why did you decide to get involved at the leadership level?
I just recently became a member of IRES. I have the privilege of working with many regulators not only within my own state but across the country. The dedication to consumer protection and education created my interest in joining IRES. I am currently a member of the Board of Directors.
Tell us why you find involvement with IRES to be valuable.
I find involvement in IRES to be valuable because of the career development opportunities and the ability to network with regulators across the country.
Do you have any wise words/tips for new IRES members or those that are new to insurance regulation?
I believe it is always important to have good partnerships and always have an open door to conversation.
When you are not working, what are your passions/hobbies?
I have pretty active children. A lot of my passion and hobbies involve sports.
What do you see as your biggest accomplishment? Personal or professional.
I have been very fortunate throughout my career to have had several accomplishments that make me proud. I believe the biggest for me was creating a Joint Rapid Response Team during the COVID-19 pandemic to assist superintendents of schools when determining how to handle situations when students/faculty tested positive. Being able to create a process that successfully assisted schools in opening their doors and keeping them open was an exciting opportunity.