The Advanced Market Conduct Management (AMCM®) is considered to be the “master degree” of MCM®. Open to IRES members who have held an MCM® designation for at least two years, the AMCM® designation is achieved through a three-hour class designed to use the techniques of the MCM® program to promote the interests of insurance regulators by combining class discussion along with the hands-on approach of case studies. AMCM® class participants weave results based knowledge gained through personal experience, the MCM® program, and NAIC Market Regulation Handbook best practices.
Coming Soon - Currently Under Development
Class Overview
Each AMCM® class includes:
Review of updates to the MCM® manual
Discussion of current developments and emerging issues in insurance regulation
Discussion of the changing environment of market analysis
Case studies for discussion of what is considered best practice
Certification Examination (10 questions from covered discussion/material in the class, with a 70% requirement to pass)
In order to take the AMCM® class, you…
Must have held your MCM® for a minimum of two (2) years
Be a member currently in good standing with IRES
Continuing Education
Upon successful completion of the course and examination, you will earn three (3) Continuing Education Credits and the AMCM® designation.
Once the AMCM® is obtained, the MCM® designation will be replaced with the AMCM® designation. Continued education (CE) is required for continuance of the AMCM® designation. The requirement is the AMCM® course must be retaken every 4 years for (3) continuing education credits. If a person loses their AMCM® designation due to not meeting the hours required of CE credits, then the individual can no longer use the AMCM® but can revert to using the MCM® designation.
Registration Fee
The cost per class is $450 per person.