About IRES

Your network of knowledge for insurance regulation

The job of protecting consumers and preserving a robust, competitive marketplace was delegated to the states, where individual state insurance departments have built a strong and enduring foundation upon which all insurance now thrives. The Insurance Regulatory Examiners Society (IRES) is an important part of that foundation.

Who We Are

IRES was established in 1987 as a nonprofit organization incorporated in the State of Missouri operating in accordance with its Articles of Incorporation and its bylaws under the guidance of its Board of Directors. IRES works to enhance the efforts of insurance regulators by ensuring professionalism and integrity among the men and women who serve with state or federal insurance regulatory bodies.

State Chapters

State Chapters are encouraged to set their own priorities, elect their own officers, hold their own meetings and elect or name a State Chair. All general members of IRES are members of a State Chapter and membership in a specific State Chapter is based on the state affiliation as declared by the general member and on file with IRES.


The Board of Directors elects the Society’s operating officers and other members of the Executive Committee. It has supervision, control and direction of the general policies and affairs of the Society, its committees and publications, and actively promotes its objectives.