The Market Conduct Management (MCM®) designation program is designed to provide hands-on training for regulators and insurance industry professionals on how to efficiently and effectively manage market conduct examinations and to promote the interests of insurance regulators. It is designed both for the experienced professional and those wishing to enhance their regulatory and compliance career, teaching valuable tools for examination management designed to achieve operational efficiencies. The MCM® program is ideal for current and future Examiners-In-Charge and company compliance personnel.
The MCM® Program is a unique and practical 2½-day class that offers advanced, hands-on training for insurance regulators and insurance industry professionals on how to manage an effective and efficient market conduct examination. The course facilitates an information exchange between regulators and industry, offers advanced certification, and furthers professional standards and ethics in insurance regulation.
Upon successful completion of the IRES MCM® Course and passing the exam, the course participants will receive an MCM® Designation certificate as well as 15 CE credits for participating in the course.
Be advised that the MCM® Course has a capacity of 40 attendees for Virtual.
Next Course:
April 28-30 (Virtual)
Registration for these classes will open once the preceding MCM® class concludes. Reminder: this class is on a first come first serve basis.
Topics Covered
The following topics are covered during the MCM® class:
Market Regulation & Examinations
Purpose & Vehicles for Market Regulation
Market Analysis
Core Exam Procedures
Exam & Investigative Techniques
Fraud Detection
Addressing Violations & Non-Violation Issues
Exam Management
Pre-Examination Planning
Role of the Examiner-In-Charge
Exam Team Management
Managing the Exam
Workpaper Organization & Documentation
Workpaper Confidentiality
Communication & Report Writing
Communicating with the Company, Team, & Insurance Department
Issuing Critique/Comment Forms
Exam Report Writing
Avoiding Conflicts
Post Exam Communication
Standard Data Requests & Technology
Exam Process Technology
Understanding the Standardized Data Requests
Constructing a Data Call
Analyzing the Data