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Get Involved
with IRES!

Your time and talent can make a real difference!

IRES depends upon committed volunteers to fulfill its mission. Volunteers are the heart of IRES—their efforts provide the foundation for the Society’s success.


Getting involved with IRES is an incredible way to enhance your career. Any member of the Society (including Sustaining Members) can serve on a committee or subcommittee, although only voting members are able to vote on committee decisions. The best part is that you don’t have to travel—opportunities to get involved are available on both the national and individual state chapter levels.


Get Involved at the State Level

Opportunities for involvement on a local level vary with each State Chapter. Reach out to the IRES Office at if you would like to be put in contact with your local State Chair to learn more about local opportunities.​


Join a Committee

IRES has eight standing committees and several subcommittees, with duties defined by the IRES bylaws. Generally speaking, the time commitment for each committee involves at least one monthly teleconference lasting 1 to 1½ hours. There may also be additional work beyond the monthly teleconferences, depending on what the committee or subcommittee is working on.

Contact a committee chair to learn more about becoming involved, or complete our committee interest form.

Join a Committee

Please fill out the form below. You will be contacted to get you connected to your area of interest.

Interested in Serving on:

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Join a Committee
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